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West Ottawa Basketball Association

Gym Rules

The school boards allow the West Ottawa Basketball Association to use their sports facilities and the future use of school gyms depends on the proper use of gyms by all West Ottawa Basketbqall teams. Should there be abuse or injury, it could result in the West Ottawa Basketball Association's loss of the use of the school.

All players, coaches and parents must respect the following West Ottawa Basketball Association gym rules:

 Please enter and exit the schools using the doors located in the parking lot. Please do not use the front doors.

 Everyone at a school gym for a West Ottawa Basketball Association game or practice MUST remain IN the gym. All areas except the gym and designated washrooms are off-limits

 No player is allowed in the school without their coach and/or assistant coach

 Only West Ottawa Basketball Association registered coaches can supervise the players and must be certified to the appropriate level of the game

 No player may leave the premises without permission from their coach

 No bouncing basketballs in school corridors

 No street shoes can be worn in the gym by participants. Boots and overshoes must be removed by all, including the spectators, before entering gyms

 Leave the gym in the same condition as when you arrived and no equipment can be removed from the gym

 No food or drink other than water is allowed in the gym

 Respect school property and the school staff. Foul or inappropriate language will not be tolerated.

 No school equipment can be used without permission from the school representative (usually the custodian). The equipment must be returned to its proper storage area after use. This includes things such as basketballs, clocks, tables, chairs, etc.

 The groups must help set up and clean up, including tables, chairs, clocks, collecting waste etc.

 All coaches, players and parents must leave the premises of the school without delay at the end of the allotted gym time

 For safety reasons are locked and school doors are NOT allowed to be propped open. Please ensure you have a parent or sibling at the door to allow team members to enter and/or create a Parent Team Group Chat so team members can text if they are at the door and need to be let in.

 At Ecole Secondaire Catholique Paul-Desmarais everyone must enter and exit the school by the door by the parking lot. Please DO NOT enter or exit the school using the doors to the gym that exit to the courtyard.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!

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